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City of Okolona Electric Dept. serves parts of Chickasaw, Monroe, Lee and Clay counties. Service area includes the Mississippi MS-1 Congressional District. The City Council Board meets the second Tuesday of each month. Incorporated in 1935
Phone: (662) 447-5482
After hours: (662) 447-2131
Fax: (662) 447-2886
Mailing address:
P.O. Box 111
Okolona, MS 38860-0111
Physical address:
209 West Main Street
Okolona, MS 38860

Manager: Eddie Tucker
Operations Supervisor: Philip Hall
Customer Service: support@okolonaed.com
Engineering: Timmy Camp
Accounting: Jackie Fields
Legal Counsel: Gene Barton
Metering: David McDonald
Total employees: 22
Total Electric Customers: 5,162
Residential Customers: 4,126
C&I Customers under 50kW Demand: 972
C&I Customers 51-4,999 kW Demand: 47
Other Services Offered: Surge Protection
Total System Assets: $14,416,245.22
2011 Taxes: $479,346.33
740 Miles of Line
7 Customers/Mile
Average Residential Use: 1,153 kWh/Month
1 Delivery Point
Average Load Factor: 62
DlC Participant
Complaint Resolution Process
TVA provides regulatory oversight for your local power companies rates and service practices.
If you have an issue or complaint that you have not been able to resolve with your local power company, TVA's compliant resolution process may be able to help.